Seminar on Adoption of Bye -laws at Borivali on 11th March 2018 Speaker: Housing Guru CA Ramesh Prabhu, Chairman, MahaSeWA To learn more, contact us at:- M. (ii) Bye-laws’ means by-laws consistent with Act and registered under this Act for the time being in force and includes registered amendments of such bye-laws. (iii) ‘Chief Promoter’ means the person who is elected by the Promoters, in their first meeting, or in their subsequent meetings in case the post of the Chief Promoter lies vacant.
Maharashtra Co-operative Housing Society Bye Laws. (a) Name of the Society: The name of the Society shall. Mar 13, Smart way to manage your Co-Operative Housing Society. Web based Apartment Home; Blog. Bye Laws for Housing Society in Maharashtra. Aug 19, Procedure To Recover Dues From Housing Society Maintenance Bill Defaulters. Seminar on Adoption of Bye -laws at Borivali on 11th March 2018 Speaker: Housing Guru CA Ramesh Prabhu, Chairman, MahaSeWA To learn more, contact us at:- M.
(a) The name of the society shall be……………………………….. Name of the Society
(b) The society shall follow the procedure laid down under Section 15 of the Act and Rule 14 of the Rules for the change of its name. Procedure for changing the name.

(c) The society is classified under major class “Housing” with sub-class Tenant Co-partnership Housing Society.” Classification.
Address of the society.
Housing Society Bye Laws 2020 In Marathi Pdf Download
2. (a) (i) The registered address of the society shall be as under:
(ii) Address for Correspondence (as decided by the Managing Committee)

(b) Any change in the registered address of the society shall be intimated by it to the Registering Authority and all others concerned within 30 days of such change.
(c) Any change in the registered address of the society shall be made after following the procedure laid down in Rules. Procedure for changing the address of the Society.
(d) The society shall exhibit at a conspicuous place at the main entrance of the building, a Board indicating its name. Registration number and the registered address. Exhibition of Name Board.
(i) ‘Act’ means the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act; (MCS Act) 1960.
(ii) Bye-laws’ means by-laws consistent with Act and registered under this Act for the time being in force and includes registered amendments of such bye-laws.
(iii) ‘Chief Promoter’ means the person who is elected by the Promoters, in their first meeting, or in their subsequent meetings in case the post of the Chief Promoter lies vacant, till the first general meeting.
(iv) “Committee” means the Committee of management or board of directors or the governing body or other directing body of a cooperative Housing society, by whatever name called, to which the management of the affairs of a society is entrusted and vested under section 73 of the Act
(v) ‘—– Days’ Clear Notice means the number of calendar days intervening between the day of posting the notice and the day of the meeting.
(vi) Flat’ means a separate and self contained set of premises used or intended to be used for residence, or office, or show-room, or shop, or godown and includes a garage, or dispensary, or consulting room, or clinic, or flour mill, or coaching classes, or palnaghar, beauty parlour, the premises forming part of a building and includes an apartment.
(Vii) ‘Housing Federation’ means the federation of cooperative housing societies, registered and notified under the Act.
(viii) ‘Ownership Flats Act’ means the Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the Promotion of Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) Act. 1963.
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[Under the Bye-Law No. 9] Specimen of Share Certificate
[Under the bye-law no.17(b)] The form of application for membership of the Society by a nominee/ Heir, who is a minor, through his Guardian/Legal Representative.
[Under Bye-laws Nos.19(B) and 66(v)] The form of application for membership of the Society by an individual
[Under the bye-law no. 17 (b) and 19 (A)(iv)] The Form of Undertaking to be furnished by the Prospective Member to use the Flat for the purpose for which it is allotted.
[Under the bye-law no. 19(A) (v)] The Form of undertaking to be furnished by the person, on whom the Prospective Non-earning member is dependent for discharge of liabilities to he Society.